Important: This documentation applies to v2 of this package.
For v3 docs see




Implemented by NHTSA.

Extends api/Fetch.Fetch.


# new GetMakesForManufacturerAndYear(userConfigopt)

Name Type Attributes Description
userConfig FetchConfig <optional>

User configuration options to construct the class with.

View Source api/actions/GetMakesForManufacturerAndYear.ts, line 27


# async GetMakesForManufacturerAndYear(manufacturer, params) → {Promise.<GetMakesForManufacturerAndYearResponse>}

This returns all the Makes in the vPIC dataset for a specified manufacturer, and whose Year From and Year To range cover the specified year.

  • If supplied manufacturer is a number - method will do exact match on Manufacturer's Id.
  • If supplied manufacturer is a string - it will look for manufacturers whose name is LIKE the provided name (it accepts a partial manufacturer name as an input).
  • Multiple results are returned in case of multiple matches.
  • Manufacturer can be idenfitied by Id, a partial name, or a full name (e.g., "988", "HONDA", "HONDA OF CANADA MFG., INC.", etc.).
Name Type Description
manufacturer string | number

Manufacturer Name (string) or Manufacturer ID (number).

params object

Query Search Parameters to append to the URL.

year number

Model year of the vehicle - Number, >= 2016.

View Source api/actions/GetMakesForManufacturerAndYear.ts, line 48

Api Response object.