Important: This documentation applies to v2 of this package.
For v3 docs see




Implemented by NHTSA.

Extends api/Fetch.Fetch.


# new GetModelsForMakeIdYear(userConfigopt)

Name Type Attributes Description
userConfig FetchConfig <optional>

User configuration options to construct the class with.

View Source api/actions/GetModelsForMakeIdYear.ts, line 27


# async GetModelsForMakeIdYear(params) → {Promise.<GetModelsForMakeIdYearResponse>}

This returns the Models in the vPIC dataset for a specified Model Year and Make whose name is LIKE the Make in the vPIC Dataset.

  • params.makeId is a number and is a required query parameter.

A minimum of one of the following are required (or a combination of both):

  • params.modelYear is a number (greater than 1995)
  • params.vehicleType can be a partial name, or a full name for more specificity (e.g., "Vehicle", "Moto", "Low Speed Vehicle", etc.).
Name Type Attributes Description
params object

Query Search Parameters to append to the URL.

makeId number

Make ID to search.

modelYear number <optional>

A number representing the model year to search (greater than 1995).

vehicleType string <optional>

String representing the vehicle type to search.

View Source api/actions/GetModelsForMakeIdYear.ts, line 48

Api Response object.